Pay it Forward
When a person in recovery experiences the wise generosity of another, it is often key to breaking through and softening their heart. I have benefited from the generosity of others who recognised my commitment to my recovery and invested resources, and it made all the difference in my life. I am eternally grateful to them and I honour that debt of love through the work I do today.
Please do consider paying it forward and doing the same for someone who feels stuck in a cycle of addiction.
You can choose to be an anonymous sponsor for someone on my waiting list, or you can elect someone you know who is ready and willing to engage in their recovery journey. Sponsorships paid to Act Three Seven Recovery would be specifically allocated to coaching sessions as well as placements in the ERS course.
Feel free to email me at if you have any questions around sponsorship.
Invest in another life today, and contribute to the restoration of individuals, families, communities, and societies.
My deepest gratitude,